How to perform Leverage Machine Hip Abductor with proper form
- Leverage Hip Abductor Machine
- Adjust the Seat: Sit on the machine and adjust the seat height so your knees align with the pivot point of the machine.
- Adjust the Pads: Position the outer pads against your thighs, just above your knees.
- Starting Position: Sit with your back against the padded support and feet flat on the ground. Ensure your knees are close together.
- Engage Core: Tighten your abdominal muscles for stability.
- Abduction Movement: Push your knees outward against the resistance, focusing on the hip abductor muscles.
- Maximum Range: Continue to push until your knees are at a comfortable distance apart, ensuring you feel tension without strain.
- Return: Slowly return to the starting position without letting the weights rest completely. Maintain tension in the muscles.
Key Points
- Keep your back flat against the machine.
- Avoid using momentum; the movement should be controlled.
- Focus on squeezing your glutes and outer thighs throughout the exercise.
- Remember to breathe; exhale while pushing outward and inhale while returning.
Common Mistakes
- Arching the back: Maintain a neutral spine.
- Not controlling the movement: Avoid fast, jerking motions.
- Allowing the knees to collapse inward on the return phase.
Safety Tips
- Start with light resistance to master form.
- Avoid locking your knees during the movement.
- Listen to your body; if you feel pain, stop the exercise.

Back Extension, Bodyweight
Type: Lower, Core
Target: Back
Synergist: Glutes, Hamstrings

Back Extension, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Core
Target: Back
Synergist: Glutes, Hamstrings

Box Squat, Barbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Glutes, Quadriceps
Synergist: Hamstrings, Calves

Box Squat, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Glutes, Quadriceps
Synergist: Hamstrings, Calves

Bulgarian Split Squat, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Glutes, Quadriceps
Synergist: Hamstrings, Calves

Cable Pull Through, Cable
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes
Synergist: Back, Hamstrings

Calf Press on Leg Press, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Calves

Calf Press on Seated Leg Press, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Calves, Quadriceps
Synergist: Glutes, Hamstrings

Clean, Barbell
Type: Upper, Lower, Push
Target: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Back, Shoulders
Synergist: Calves, Biceps, Chest, Forearms

Clean and Jerk, Barbell
Type: Upper, Lower, Push
Target: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Back, Shoulders
Synergist: Calves, Biceps, Chest, Forearms

Deadlift, Barbell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Cable
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Smith Machine
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Band
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Kettlebell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift High Pull, Barbell
Type: Upper, Lower, Pull
Target: Shoulders, Glutes, Quadriceps
Synergist: Hamstrings, Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Back

Deficit Deadlift, Barbell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes
Synergist: Hamstrings, Back, Quadriceps, Calves

Deficit Deadlift, Trap Bar
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes
Synergist: Hamstrings, Back, Quadriceps, Calves