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You can clone existing workouts and edit cloned ones, or create your own workouts from scratch.

A workout consists of days. Each day consists of exercises. Each exercise consists of sets. Each set consists of:

There's a special scripting language called Liftoscript. You can use it to describe the logic for the number of reps in a set and for the set weights. It will allow you to express almost any possible progression and deload variant.

Liftoscript tutorial

If you have ever written scripts in JavaScript, Python, or a similar programming language (or even Excel!), Liftoscript will look very familiar. If not, no worries, it's a pretty simple and small language.

Check out this video if you get stuck, it replicates what's written below.

State Variables and Finish Day Script

Let's start with creating our own simple workout. Open (you may want to use laptop or desktop computer for that, not a phone, so you'd have access to keyboard. It's not required, but in my opinion - way more handy). Press "Pick or Create a Program", and then press "Create Program" button in the footer. Let's name it "Liftosaurus".

Now, press the edit icon at "Day 1" item, and then press the "Create New Exercise" button to add an exercise. There, switch to "Advanced" tab. In the "Exercise" field select "Bench Press".

Scroll down to the "State Variables" section. We can create various variables there, that we can use in Liftoscript scripts, and they will persist their values between workouts. There's one already existing, weight. We will increase or decrease the value of this variable in the script, and it will be reflected in the sets' weight. This way, we can program progressions and deloads.

Press 45 lb value of the weight variable, and change it to e.g. 50.

Now, let's put that variable in use. Scroll down to the "Sets" section. For simplicity, we'll only have 1 set of 5 reps for our exercise. The weight of it though will be controlled by the weight state variable we set above. You could see in the Weight field it's already entered state.weight.

It should give you a hint that evaluation result will be 50lb, which is the current value of state.weight. You can enter any expression there, using math operators. For example, in 5/3/1 workout variations, for weights they are often percentages of training max weight being used, so you could write it as state.weight * 0.7, for example. Or do something completely crazy like (state.weight + 10lb) * 5 / 3.14 (no idea why would you need it, but it's totally possible).

Now let's define the rules how we'll do progressions. Scroll to the section "Finish Day Script" at the bottom. Type there:

state.weight = state.weight + 5lb

This means that when we finish a day, we're going to add 5lb to the previous value of weight.

You can use any state variables you defined, both in "Finish Day Script" or in the expressions for weight or number of reps for an exercise, by prefixing them with state., like you see in the example above.

You may notice that the weight value gets rounded if you use some math operators. Liftosaur always rounds the weight so you could get it using your available plates. So, please make sure the "Available Equipment" in "Settings" correctly reflect the plates you have access to in your gym.

Under "Finish Day Script" there's a Playground section. There, you could see the "State Changes" section, which should show something like weight: 50lb -> 55lb - it should how the state variable are going to change after we finish the day. It says that the weight state variable will be increased by 5lb, which is exactly what we want.

Now, scroll to the very bottom and press "Save". You'll get back to the day editing screen. In the "Available Exercises" you'll see our new "Bench Press" exercise. Press it, and it should appear in the "Selected exercises". That means our first day now has this exercise added.

You can give it a try now - go back to the list of days, and then go back to the "Choose Program" screen. There, click on our new "Liftosaurus" program to select it. Click on "Start Workout" at the footer, then click on "Finish the workout". You'll see that for the next workout, the weight will be 50lb now.

Conditional logic

It's not very useful now though - we always bump the weight to 5lb, no matter whether we were able to lift that weight for 5 times or not. Let's adjust our "Finish Day Script" to only bump up the weight if we successfully lifted it 5 times.

If you're still on the History screen, in the footer press "Program", and then "Edit Current Program". There, press the edit icon at the "Bench Press" exercise to edit it.

In the "Finish Day Script" section, change it to the following:

if (completedReps[1] >= reps[1]) {
  state.weight = state.weight + 5lb

Now we will only update the weight of the bench press if the completed reps of the first set is more or equal than the defined reps for that set (which is 5 in our case). I.e. the number in square brackets after completedReps or reps is for what set in the exercise.

We could also write it as:

if (completedReps[1] >= 5) {
  state.weight = state.weight + 5lb

But in that case, if we ever change the required reps for the exercise to e.g. 10, it will still bump the bench press weight by 5 if we complete 5 or more reps, which is probably not what we want.

You can verify it works via playground. Scroll down to the "Playground" section, and try to set 5 completed reps, make sure in "State changes" you see that the weight got bumped. And if you set less than 5 completed reps, weight disappears from the state changes, meaning that state variable won't be changed anymore.

The list of available variables you can use in your Finish Day Scripts:

You can also write it as:

if (completedReps >= reps) {
  state.weight = state.weight + 5lb

in this case, it will ensure that the weight will be bumped only if all sets were completed successfully.


Let's change our program of Bench Press, so that if you fail to accomplish 5 reps of bench press for 3 times, the weight of bench press gets lowered by 15lb.

To accomplish that, we'll need another state variable to track the number of failures. Let's create a state variable, and name it failures, with "variable type": number.

Then, change the script to:

if (completedReps[1] >= reps[1]) {
  state.weight = state.weight + 5lb
  state.failures = 0
} else {
  state.failures = state.failures + 1
if (state.failures > 2) {
  state.weight = state.weight - 15lb
  state.failures = 0

Here, if we successfully accomplish 5 reps, we set failures variable to 0. If not - then we'll increment it by 1. And if that variable value is over 2, we'll reduce the bench press weight by 15lb, and reset the failures counter. Try it out in Playground with various values of state variables to make sure it works as expected.


In case we want some exercise to have various Sets x Reps scheme depending on some conditions, but share the same state variables, we may use Sets Variations. E.g. in GZCLP program, Tier 1 exercises may have 3 variations - 5x3, which if fails, switches to 6x2, which if fails switches to 10x1, which if fails leads to deload. So, to create such exercise, we may use Sets Variations.

To enable them, press the "Enable Sets Variations" button.

If you create more than one variation, there will be the "Variation Expression" section, where you can script what variation will be used under what conditions. It should return the variation index, which starts with 1. E.g. you may have 2 variations, and the variation expression like:

day == 1 ? 1 : 2;

And for the Day 1 it will use Variation 1, for all other days it will use Variation 2 Sets x Reps scheme.

1 Rep Max

You can use 1 Rep Max (1RM) of a current exercise in your scripts. It's a special variable, that lives outside of programs, so if you change it, it's changed for an exercise across all the programs. You can also modify it per exercise if you go to Exercise Stats screen (if you tap on exercise name on the workout screen).

You can use and assign it exactly the same way as the state variables. For example you can use it in the weight expressions:

rm1 * 0.7;

Or you can change it in your Finish Day Scripts

if (completedReps >= reps) {
  rm1 += 5lb

If you use it in any of the program exercise expressions, it also will be available for quick editing on the Edit modal (when you tap on the Edit exercise icon on the workout screen)

Language Reference


Result of an expression could be a number, weight or boolean. Number or weight could be assigned to a state variable. Only number could be used for number of reps for set expressions. Number or weight could be used for set weight expressions.


The values are numbers (1, 3, 100, 31534532, etc.), and also you can add kg or lb suffix to the number to indicate that it is a weight (like 1lb, 3kg, 100lb, 31534532kg).

Using lb/kg is recommended for when you deal with weights, because they will be converted to kilograms properly if user selects that unit on the settings screen.


The following operators are available:

Math: +, -, /, *, % Boolean: >, <, <=, >=, ==, &&, || Ternary operator: for example 3 > 4 ? 1 : 2


You can add conditional logic to your scripts using if/else statements or ternary operators.

if (completedReps[1] > 5) {
  state.someVar = 10;

if (completedReps[1] > 10) {
  state.someVar = 15;
} else {
  state.someVar = 10;

if (completedReps[1] > 10) {
  state.someVar = 15;
} else if (completedReps[1] > 5) {
  state.someVar = 10;
} else {
  state.someVar = 5;

state.someVar = r[1][4] > 10 ? 15 : 10;


You can assign values only to state variables, by = operator:

state.someVar = (10 + 15) * 2;

Predefined read-only variables

You cannot assign values to them, but you can use their values. They are:

Predefined read-write variables

You can read them, and assign values to them in the finish day script. They are:

State variables

You can access the state variables you created via state. prefix. E.g. state.myVar. You can write values into them via assignment operator (=)

state.myVar = 4;

Built-in functions

There are some built-in functions you can use in the expressions. They are:


Used for calculating the training max, which is 90% of 1 rep max. 1 rep max is calculated by the Epley formula. Mostly useful for 5/3/1 variations.

state.nextWeight = calculateTrainingMax(150lb, 5);

It would assign 155lb to state.nextWeight. First argument is the weight you used for a lift, and the second argument is the number of reps you were able to do with that weight.


This function operates identically to calculateTrainingMax, but it abstains from applying the percentage operation. It is also calculated according to the Epley formula.

state.nextWeight = calculate1RM(150lb, 5);

It would assign 175lb to state.nextWeight. The function refrains from any additional rounding and provides the unadjusted one-repetition maximum, allowing the user to make any further modifications as required.


Used for calculating the multiplier of 1RM given the reps and RPE. Like for example, for 13 reps at 9 RPE, it'd return multiplier of 0.6, i.e. you probably would be able to lift 60% of your 1RM for 13 reps at 9 RPE.

state.weight * rpeMultiplier(13, 9);

First argument is the number of reps (1-24), second - the RPE value (1-10).


It rounds the number down to the nearest integer.

state.nextWeight = floor(152.4lb);
state.reps = floor(2.7);


It rounds the number up to the nearest integer.

state.nextWeight = ceil(152.4lb);
state.reps = ceil(2.7);


It rounds the number to the nearest integer.

state.nextWeight = round(152.4lb);
state.reps = round(2.7);


It sums all the numbers or weights. Use it with completedReps, weights, reps, RPE or completedRPE variables.

if (sum(completedReps) >= 15) {
  state.weight += 5lb;


Finds the minimum number or weight in an array. Use it with completedReps, weights, reps, RPE or completedRPE variables.

state.minWeight = min(weights);


Finds the maximum number or weight in an array. Use it with completedReps, weights, reps, RPE or completedRPE variables.

state.maxCompletedReps = max(completedReps);