Muscle Groups
How to perform Cable Deadlift with proper form
- Equipment: Attach a straight bar handle to the low pulley of a cable machine.
- Positioning: Stand facing the cable machine. Position your feet shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with both hands.
- Starting Position: Bend at your hips and knees to lower your torso. Keep your back straight and chest lifted. Grab the bar with an overhand grip.
- Lift Off: Engage your core, push through your heels, and extend your hips and knees to lift the bar. Keep it close to your body as you rise to a standing position.
- Top Position: Stand upright with your shoulders back and arms extended, maintaining a neutral spine.
- Descent: Lower the bar back down by bending at the hips first, then the knees. Keep your back straight throughout the movement.
- Maintain a neutral spine to prevent injury.
- Control the movement; avoid jerking or using momentum.
- Focus on engaging the posterior chain (back, glutes, hamstrings) during the lift.

Clean, Barbell
Type: Upper, Lower, Push
Target: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Back, Shoulders
Synergist: Calves, Biceps, Chest, Forearms

Clean and Jerk, Barbell
Type: Upper, Lower, Push
Target: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Back, Shoulders
Synergist: Calves, Biceps, Chest, Forearms

Deadlift, Barbell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Cable
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Smith Machine
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Band
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Kettlebell
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Deadlift, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Pull
Target: Glutes, Back, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Calves, Abs, Forearms

Good Morning, Barbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Glutes

Good Morning, Smith Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Glutes

Good Morning, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Glutes

Hip Adductor, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings, Glutes
Synergist: Quadriceps

Lying Leg Curl, Band
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Calves

Lying Leg Curl, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Calves

Romanian Deadlift, Barbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Back, Glutes, Hamstrings
Synergist: Abs, Calves

Romanian Deadlift, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Back, Glutes, Hamstrings
Synergist: Abs, Calves

Seated Leg Curl, Leverage Machine
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Hamstrings
Synergist: Calves, Quadriceps

Stiff Leg Deadlift, Barbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Back, Glutes, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Abs

Stiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell
Type: Lower, Legs
Target: Back, Glutes, Hamstrings
Synergist: Quadriceps, Abs